We are proud to announce the publication of Totem a collection of poems by Sheila Windsor. This is Sheila Windsor’s first solo collection of poems and ink paintings, drawn from over twenty years of almost daily practice. She began writing mainstream poetry, with publication and award success (in independent small press journals and anthologies), met haiku in English circa two decades ago, fell in love with the succinct form and has subsequently focused almost exclusively on haikai – the collective term for haiku, renku, haibun, tanka and haiga: the Japanese forms. Some works here are previously published, some are decorated and some are new – at the time of publication she holds over forty five international literary awards, all but two for haikai. Windsor’s poetry is published around the globe and translated into an array of languages from Gaelic to French, Polish to Persian to Japanese. She is a working artist with group and solo exhibitions and publication credits to her name; a founding co-editor of Bones Journal, presently on the editorial team at The Living Haiku Anthology and co-editor of Moongarlic E-zine.
$12.00 @
£8.00 @